We have created unprecedented, innovative, intelligent, accessible and fully adequate solutions to solve the problem of low Productivity of the Make-to-Order Production Industries

Information and activities in the processes and relationships of Industries that operate on Make-to-Order demand and production are so unstable, unpredictable, and fraught with constraints, that they require that analyzes and decisions occur at the time they occur, a fact that requires - in Systems that dare to operate in these processes - a very high level of competence and intelligence in analysis and decisions in real time. And these qualities are not found in the systems currently available on the market, since they do not need them, as they have been designed to serve well - and they do - only to the stable and predictable environments and processes of the Production Lines Industry, which do not require such qualifications.

Therefore, MR-Premium Project Products have being designed and built with the necessary innovation - under our own know-how - to have real adequacy and adherence to such complex processes and environments, with the cognitive ability to "assimilate" human knowledge about these processes, resources and relationships, providing the CEO and Managers of the Make-to-Order Industry, truly effective tools for its operation and Corporate Governance.

So, for us, Innovation is not only a necessity, but above all it is a culture, by which we have inspired and directed our behaviors, our jobs and our researches!

Integrated solutions permanently connected to global demand!

Our MR-Premium Project is building four Products that, in a modular and incremental way, they will be composing the Corporate Solution for the Make-to-Order Production Industry and for its relationships with the global industrial chain!

As a unique way of solving the great problem of our target market, we are creating superior systems that, through unsupervised deep learning and through cognitive intelligence, with appropriate codes, they will identify, elevate and overcome all constraints and in all processes - always and in the most optimized way possible - before they actually occur, addressing critical business challenges, overcoming obstacles and providing the full operational effectiveness of the manufacturing chain, thus reaching the same level of the state of the art in the information management of Industry 4.0, which has occurred only in the large Production Lines Industries!

And although we can operate independently or connected to other systems, our Products will be as a "living organism", interconnected with each other and with the local and global chain, under full control of the User Industry.

They are:

Thinker System (TKR) - the true Productivity Generator at the heart of Industry: its Manufacturing!

Thinker is the first System to actually create a complete and fully optimized Production Plan, because:

1. It comprehensively and completely cover all relevant manufacturing processes: production, maintenance, logistics (handling and inventory), Planning and Production Programming, processes engineering and quality, procurement, sales and financial, as the restrictions occur in all of them and all they need to be considered, without which an effective Production Plan is not elaborated;

2. On a cadastral basis under deep learning technology and cognitive intelligence, it always schedule the best deadlines and costs, elevating and supplanting - in a fast, autonomous and automatic ways (therefore without the need for human supervision), all constraints and bottlenecks, even before they occur; its conceptualization based on the EMI (Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence) technique, collect and analyze manufacturing-related data from a variety of sources and aggregate value, making decisions for effective Production performance.

3. It provide the state of the art in automation in the collection and registration of evolution data of the Production Plan, generating integrity, continuity and control in real time, following also the normalization of interfaces according to ISA-95

4- All quotations are prepared quickly and with a huge differential: in full alignment with what is happening at the time of manufacture, thus providing fully optimized, feasible and competitive deadlines and prices

IPM System- a new CRM concept, a Customer and Supplier Relationship Manager - that combined with TKR, will be the true generator of business and competitiveness for your industry!

IPM will be the first System to really connect - as Partners - the Industry stakeholders with their Customers and Suppliers, because:

1. It will implement an innovative and unprecedented concept, the CSRM (Customer and Supplier Relationship Management), connecting all Clients and Suppliers to the user industry, as a chain of interrelated and interdependent events, as indeed they should be;

2. It will exercise dominance over these relationships, from policy planning to delivery of the good or service purchased or sold, providing integrity and competitiveness in business relationships

3. Connected with TKR and both with deep learning and cognitive intelligence capabilities, it will propose and implement more solid, transparent and sustainable logistical, business and relationship strategies with the best indicators of cost, deadline and quality

4 - Manager of quotations, purchase orders and purchase of inputs, it will carry out in an unprecedented manner, Planning, purchase, supplies and operation and Reverse Logistics

MR-P System, first ERP - so, corporative system - with full adequacy to operate in the Make-to-Order Production Industries!

MR-P will be the first Corporate System to truly meet all requirements and needs of the Make-to-Order Manufacturing Industries, because:

1. It will encompass all the Processes of Industry, adding to the TKR and IPM, the processes of Training, Human Resources, Security, Strategic Planning, Accounting, Budget, Marketing and Post Sales, making all Manufacturing information " the "master" of all CEO decisions

2. Unique to be fully interconnected with the Technical-Commercial Relationship Portal MR-B (below) and therefore, with the industrial world that converts to the user industry

3. Its mass of knowledge and cognitive intelligence will enable the CEO and his Employees to prepare, manage and control in real time all Corporate Governance, providing optimization of costs and deadlines, ensuring greater sustainability for the business

MR-B Portal, the many double track path to the local and global chain of Industries, as lucerous and sustainable business partners, for all!

MR-B Portal on the WWW will be - in the fact - the first Global Industry Portal, because:

1. It will be the first World-wide Internet portal with the capacity to prospect, foment and realize technical and commercial relationships in the industrial chain, in real time and with total control over the interests and possibilities of each participating industry

2. It will place in a single "hypermarket" all the needs of the purchasing and selling industries, primarily the industries that use MR-P (only it will have unique resources for this), minimizing costs, cycles and times in commercial, technical and maximizing profit and sustainability

3. It will be an environment of maximization of visibility with enormous traction for advertising and marketing, for certifications and homologations through competent agencies and class companies

4. It will create a maximizing environment for the research and development of new technologies, maximizing the knowledge and competitiveness of the productive chain.

We are raising the state of the art of innovation of the most established existing management concepts!

The MR-Premium Project Systems will be raising the state of the art of IT in the Make-to-Order Production Industry, uniting and surpassing current concepts and management models in intelligence, innovation and effectiveness!